Veganism Even for Christmas?

      Today, I listened to the podcast about veganism. I heard the word, vegan, but I didn't know well about vegans, so I was interested in this podcast.

     A vegan means people who don't eat products made from animals, such as meat and eggs. To be honest, it's very hard for me not to eat meat! I love meat dishes...but, according to this podcast, to be a vegan has some merits. 

     First, they focus on low calorie diets such as vegetables and soybeans. These foods contain many nutrients that are effective for beauty. This is why more and more women are becoming vegans these days.

    Second, to become a vegan has health benefits. Vegan loves a low carb diet. This eating habit can help prevent lifestyle related diseases and reduce fatigue.

     My current eating habits are disordered, so I'm interested in to be a vegan.

